The term “Process” denotes a set of activities conducted by actor(s) with a certain sequence to change the status of an entity with the purpose of fulfilling one of the organization’s goals.
Service Description
The term “Process” denotes a set of activities conducted by actor(s) with a certain sequence to change the status of an entity with the purpose of fulfilling one of the organization’s goals.
“Business Process Engineering (BPE)” is the operation of capturing existing business processes or designing new ones. The main objective of BPE is to improve the performance of an organization by improving its processes.
There are two main techniques to improve business processes; Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) and Business Process Re-engineering (BPR). The decision to adopt either technique depends on the business case. While CPI provides the organization with gradual and incremental process improvements, BPR presents fundamental rethinking and radical redesign.
To better manage the organization’s processes, they must be modelled. “Business Processes Modelling” is the graphical representation of the organization’s processes that would provide the organization with means to:
• Better understand the business
• Visualize the Workflow
• Continuously improve the processes
To provide a premium service in the field of Process Mapping and Re-engineering, Megacom ensures that both top management and different actors are involved. This would ensure a comprehensive understanding of the business vision and goals as well as
achieving a collective commitment to the successful implementation of the new processes. Megacom adopts a methodology that targets creating “Good” processes that:
• Achieve business goals;
• Are clear, simple and fully understandable;
• Short with a high portion of autonomy;
• Consistent and integrated, where every input is correctly admitted and every output is used;
• Easily measured and updated.