Human Capital

The development and management of human capital starts at two points. On one hand the development of the employee’s knowledge and qualifications, which are essential for his/her job. On the other hand, there is the organization, which has to be stimulated, to use more of the employees’ knowledge to be successful. In this area, Megacom excels in providing its services for Organizational Development and Human Resources Development and Management.

Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management

The weakness or lack of Human Resources management is not too bizarre; in fact, it is a common problem facing most of the companies working in the Egyptian market, especially companies who are transiting from a small to a medium or large size […]

Organizational Development (OD)
Organizational Development (OD)

The key premise of organizational development is that organizations are social systems. The goal is to increase the long-term health and performance of the organization, while enriching the lives of its members. The OD approach emphasizes orga […]