Organizational Development(OD)

The key premise of organizational development is that organizations are social systems. The goal is to increase the long-term health and performance of the organization, while enriching the lives of its members. The OD approach emphasizes organizational culture, which influences the way people work, using change based on research and action.

Service Description

The key premise of organizational development is that organizations are social systems. The goal is to increase the long-term health and performance of the organization, while enriching the lives of its members. The OD approach emphasizes organizational culture, which influences the way people work, using change based on research and action.

Megacom assists its clients through Organizational Development to transform the organizational culture (loosely, shared beliefs, values, and behaviours) by working with social and technical systems such as:

• Develop strategies for an efficient Human Capital System

• Develop Corporate Culture/ Culture Change Management System

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